Engaging, Inspirational Speaker
Dr. Humberto Campins is available to speak at conferences and events around the world. Campins is an energetic speaker who can deliver complicated information in a way everyone can understand. This ability to translate science for the general public as well as his in-depth knowledge and respect within the scientific community make him a sought after speaker at the international level. He’s even presented at the Vatican.
Most Recent Speaking engagements
Water-ice and organic molecules on asteroids: implications for the origin of water and life on Earth
Invited Speaker at Paris Observatory, May 12, 2011
Colors of Asteroid Families
Invited Speaker at “Solar System science before and after Gaia”
University of Pisa, Italy, May 4-6, 2011
The Origin of Asteroid 101955
American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Science Annual Meeting
Pasadena, Calif. USA
Water Ice on Asteroid 24 Themis
International Conference on Meteorite Detection Analysis and Recovery Techniques
Barcelona, Spain
Water Ice Nature on Asteroid 24 Themis
Vatican Observatory Summer School
Albano, Italy
The Puzzling Icy Nature of Asteroid 24 Themis
Organic Materials in Planetary Systems — Meudon, France
University of Florence, Florence Italy
Water Ice and Organics on Asteroids 24 Themis and 65 Cybele
Boston University, Boston, Mass. USA
Previous speaking venues
Academia Canaria de Ciencias – Tenerife, Spain
Observatoire de Nice – Nice, France
Osservatorio Astrofisico de Arcetri – Itlay
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias – Tenerife, Spain
Max Planck Institute for Solar Systems Research – Lindau, German
German Space Agency – Berlin, Germany
University of Marrakesh – Morocco
California Institute of Technology – Pasadena, Calif. USA
International Conference on Water and Life – Varenna, Italy
International Conference of Asteroids, Comets and Meteors – Buzios, Brazil
To inquire about rates and to schedule an appearance please email details to zghound@aol.com